Welcome to Careers Education
During their education pupils have access to careers education, information, advice and guidance. Each academy follows a structured careers programme which supports pupils to develop skills and attributes to prepare them for their future lives.
Pupils will
- Gain knowledge and understanding of career opportunities and future career pathways
- Develop personal skills and qualities
- Explore, develop and manage their own future career aspirations
- Develop employability skills
Support for pupils, parents, carers and teachers
The LAT Engagement Team has developed a website to support pupils, parents, carers and teachers. Here you can find careers related information and resources including frequently asked questions.
VISIT www.latengagement.org.uk to learn more about how we can help you
Team Structure
The LAT Engagement Team supports all academies and consists of
- Careers Learning: supports pupils through impartial careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) enabling them to make informed decisions regarding their future
- Working With Business: provides links with business and includes maintaining alumni links
- Leigh Aspire: delivers educational programmes, supporting pupils to develop their character, acquire attributes, boost confidence and resilience
VISIT www.latengagement.org.uk to find out about the team and how to contact us